<div id="MjY3OTU="><a href="https://www.sverve.com/profile/Michele-Civetta-MjY3OTU="><img src="https://www.sverve.com/images/badges/type_1.png" width="200" height="200"/></a></div>
<div id="MjY3OTU="><a href="https://www.sverve.com/profile/Michele-Civetta-MjY3OTU="><img src="https://www.sverve.com/images/badges/type_1.png" width="200" height="200"/></a></div>
Nicargua psychedelic surf film
Finished first shoot for #mexicansummer feature surf film at #maderaslife in Nicaragua recording with Andrew from #MGMT #connanmockasin #timkoh from #arielpink and the lovely Sofia Karchi!
Maderas Life
A brilliant Nicaraguan jungle surf safari thanks to the Maderas collective! Magnus Unnar, Mark Squires, Cory Kennedy, Jason Rouse, Joseph Schuman & Matt Dickinson
Spidey surprise
check out the mark flood show in Chelsea. It's good food for your soul. So says spidey!
The web is populist voice. Let me know what you think! XO